How to increase libido in men. Bring back the old attraction. Increase self-esteem.

sexual intercourse

Hey guys! I went through this path when you live, but there is no sexual desire at all. A sad feeling, everything is gray and uninteresting. But by understanding my problem, I discovered a way to increase libido in men. Let's look at the main problems with decreased libido, psychological aspects and other side effects.

I'm sure you have a strong desire to improve your life, regaining your previous sexual desire, enjoying all the delights of sex, being healthy and happy, setting an example for others, and women remained crazy about you and asked for more.

Low libido, the worst secret

If you are here, it means you are facing a problem with your libido and are wondering how to increase it, increase it and start enjoying life. In fact, low libido is very easy to solve, but you will have to give up some things that make it difficult for your body to recover.

Each person has a choice: continue life as it is and let everything take its course, or accept responsibility for everything that happens to you, including your lifestyle and, most importantly, men's health. Let's not hide the fact that for men this is one of the main incentives to live and develop, be more successful and earn money.

Low drive is just a dead battery that needs to be recharged, cleaned and reused. I'll tell you below how to recharge your battery in the simplest ways, but now let's talk about what reduces libido the most.

decreased libido in couples


Yes, you perfectly understand that alcohol is bad and blah, blah, blah, what else is there to say? In my opinion, it's beer that reduces libido, and especially low-quality beer, I don't know what adds up, but then you don't want sex at all, and the worst thing is that you start cumming very quickly without giving pleasure. to the partner.

Low quality vodka also reduces the level of lust; there are so many impurities and fuses you could write a book about it. Choose high-quality and proven alcohol so that you do not have a hangover in the morning and your liver does not suffer from processing poisons early in the morning.

What to do if you want to drink, but everything is simple, drink a good cognac or a good beer, which is actually made using brewing technology. I went further and bought a brandy and made homemade alcohol, I especially like tinctures of pepper and horseradish with honey, after which I really want to prove myself as a man in any environment. I recommend.

Another good option is to eat a packet of activated charcoal before Sabantuy. Coal absorbs all harmful impurities and poisons, and the intestines will remove everything naturally, and the liver will thank you for your care.


If you don't sleep well, the body does not have time to recover and spends all its internal resources on keeping your loved one more or less awake, and this is fraught with psychological illnesses and often affects the general tone of the body.

Of course, everyone's life situations are different, some have 2-3 jobs and generally don't have time to sleep, but if inner strength and energy are important to you, then find time to rest well and restore your power sexual.

Make sure you sleep comfortably without strange noises or spontaneous awakenings during the night. Get some fresh air by opening a window. The more you sleep, the more testosterone, the male hormone, will be produced.

poor sleep reduces potency

Competent meditation is also suitable for good sleep and maximum rest. Maybe you will say what kind of nonsense is this and I am not a monk, but try it, meditation is just a rest for the mind and it is a pleasure to practice it.

Passive lifestyle

The less you move, the more stagnation occurs in the circulatory systems and the less they supply important substances to muscles, organs and so on. For the body to function properly, more movements are needed and, most importantly, the correct approach to it.

In addition, obesity does not perform useful functions, but, on the contrary, our poor skeleton carries all this weight on itself, and the heart often pumps blood clogged with cholesterol plaques.

Start moving more, doing more sports, at least walking 30-60 minutes a day. This will already bear fruit and the benefits will be much greater than sitting in front of the computer or TV. Start the morning with exercise and the results will not be long in coming.

passive lifestyle

What kind of woman is by your side?

If you have a relationship, but inside there are constant scandals, reproaches and discontent, then you need to look for the main reason here. Subconsciously, we may not want to possess that which brings us pain and suffering.

Take the first step and talk to your girlfriend, find out all the differences between them, at least you will understand if it is worth continuing to build this relationship.

If you don't have a girlfriend, it's time to start a relationship with her. If you are afraid of meeting people, read the article on how to meet girls on the Internet and VKontakte.

Inner experiences. Stress.

A lot of energy is spent on a person's internal experiences, I know this from myself, when I lived in depression for 2 years and definitely had no time for sexual games and chasing women's skirts. But that phase has passed and thanks to that I changed a lot of things in my life, and I gave up on a lot of things.

When stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced, which in turn interferes with the production of testosterone. The more you suffer, the less you want to have sex and flirt with girls.

Keep your psychological climate comfortable, learn to get negative experiences out of your head and your health problems will immediately stop. I can safely say that all our problems come from our heads.


Smoking has a very harmful effect on the blood vessels within our body; the channels become narrowed and clogged with harmful substances, which means they cause more damage to the body. The vessels in the groin area also become obstructed, narrowing the nutrient delivery channels.

Quit smoking as soon as possible, I understand, I smoked for 6 years, that it is difficult to quit, but the famous book by a certain English writer helped me quickly, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths.

Smoking also harms the entire body, cutting off oxygen to every cell, causing fatigue, apathy and depression. By the way, hookah and vape lovers also fall into this category, again, if you don't abuse it, everything will be fine, but I personally know people who smoke always and everywhere.

romantic relationship

Non-healthy food

It's no secret that the phrase "We are what we eat" is fundamental in the modern world; Such an abundance of junk food has never been seen in the past. Just look at sugar water, which flushes calcium from the body.

The same can be said about all kinds of substitutes, substances that slow down product deterioration, and so on. All this leads to various diseases and rapid wear and tear on the body and the sad consequences associated with libido and everything connected with it.

Review your diet, give up junk food, your body will be grateful for it. Avoid fast food and opt for green salads with plenty of parsley and dill. Carrots are generally rich in vitamin A

Coffee. Caffeine. Energy

Caffeine itself has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulating the brain, producing dopamine (the happiness hormone). Its harms consist, as always, in excessive use and in large quantities. Everything that is good has limited resources; therefore, when you constantly stimulate the brain to produce the happiness hormone, the brain will eventually go to hell and go into a deep depression to restore the spent resources. And, of course, he will spend all his free energy increasing his reserves, and not wasting them left and right.

As a rule, take one cup of coffee a day, no more, or even better, give it up gradually in favor of, for example, Ivan tea, which is much healthier than caffeine and better invigorates the body, as well as having a beneficial effect effect on increasing and increasing libido. Read online about the dangers of coffee.

The dangers of drug treatment

Many men blame their potency for a decrease in libido, but potency and libido, although related, are still different concepts. There are several pills that increase potency, but they only affect the erection itself, increasing the pressure in the blood vessels, filling the sexual organ with blood, but the libido itself does not increase.

The danger of these pills is frequent use, constant stress on the body and high load on the heart, which brings with it consequences such as the possibility of a heart attack. Therefore, you can take these pills, but do not abuse them constantly, as they do in the West.

I will also not deny that there are good food supplements with vitamin complexes that give the body more energy, strength and resources to gain natural desire without violence to the body. I took them myself and therefore I can safely say that they have an effect and improve my sex life, making it worth the money spent.

How to increase libido with the help of psychology

All our illnesses come from the head, and if the head is a little crooked, then it is better to send your message to a psychologist, who will direct all problems in the right direction. After all, in 80% of cases, psychosamatics are behind various diseases, which are easy to cure and restore the former confidence.

harmony in relationships

Products that increase libido in men

There is a huge list of products that are beneficial for male power, both obvious and non-obvious. I have tried them all myself and can confidently say about my experience in this area. I just read about some on the Internet and some were told to me by old school people.


This is one of the main herbs that increases libido to the maximum. In any manifestation, always and everywhere, the more the merrier. It works great in combination with protein-rich meats, such as beef.


Celery is priceless, you can also eat a lot of it, in any combination, combining it with other products and in any salad. Very juicy, replaces apples. Rich in vitamins and all types of fiber.

Horseradish root

It is difficult to obtain, but those who have dachas can grow it themselves or steal it from neighbors. Its benefits are unlimited. You can replace it with jarred horseradish in stores, but try to buy something more natural and of better quality. Personally, I eat a lot and don't get tired of it. It is also good to make a horseradish tincture with honey, such as horseradish, as it will greatly stimulate blood flow to the genitals.

Ginger root

I really like ginger and eat it often, especially when it is pure. It pleasantly burns the tongue, which I especially like. It is also good to combine with tea and generally make all kinds of decoctions. Enter with force.

Nuts with honey

Buy 200 grams of good walnuts, grind in a meat grinder or crush and add honey, stirring until a homogeneous mass is obtained. One spoon in the morning and one spoon at night, and everything will be in perfect order for you and your crush too.


I realized a long time ago that when I eat shrimp I feel a strong urge to flirt with girls, I want to write to them, meet them and hang out. It has a beneficial effect on mood and self-confidence.

seafood for potency


It has a large amount of proteins and nutrients that stimulate the production of testosterone in large quantities. It also cleans the body of cholesterol well, reduces blood pressure and helps you lose weight.

The easiest way is to buy canned goods in jars in online stores. It is better to take it in its own juice rather than in oil. It can be eaten as a main dish instead of meat. For example, a can of tuna with buckwheat goes well.

Almonds and hazelnuts

A small amount of these nuts will have a beneficial effect on the production of testosterone and the increase in sperm in semen, and this is the main indicator that everything is fine with health.

You can also combine it with nuts and honey, just chop everything and mix it with honey.

Ginseng root

I haven't tried it yet, but I really want to make a ginseng tincture with horseradish. You can order from China, but it's best to look for trusted sellers as they may send you something that is not what you ordered.

Cocktail Recipe Riser

We go to a large store to buy groceries; We don't need much, but we need to buy some. If an ingredient is missing, you can replace it with a similar one or simply cross it out. We'll need:

  • Celery
  • Parsley
  • Arugula
  • Spinach
  • Horseradish
  • Red-haired
  • Litter
  • Tomato juice

We clean all this and grind it in a blender until smooth, all the ingredients and grams are at your discretion, the only thing is not to use borscht with horseradish, as it is very strong and you won't be able to drink it all.

If you don't have a blender, make a salad with all this and eat it at once, it will probably disgust you, but health requires sacrifice and by the third day you tend to get used to it, especially if you drink it with your fingers over your nose.

I did it myself, it is very unpleasant to drink green liquid, but the effect will appear immediately after 2-3 hours. Taking into account, of course, if you are rested and don't faint from tiredness.

achieving results

Exercises that increase libido

All physical activity is useful, as long as you don't abuse it and don't abuse your body. If you return from training tired and completely spent on energy at the gym, all the time and energy will be spent on restoring muscle fibers. If you just need to exercise to increase your libido, read below, try doing the exercises in the morning.


The most important exercise of all is, of course, the squat. We stand with our feet slightly wider than our shoulders and our toes parallel to each other. Squat as much as you can. Rest and start squatting again until you are a little tired, and do the same for the third time.

The number of repetitions can be increased over time, but the main thing is not to force yourself, there is no rule, the more the better, quite the opposite, just tone some muscles.

powerful erection

Push ups

A classic exercise to stay in good shape. Here you can abuse it a little and push it to the end. The more tension you feel in your hands, the more confident and powerful you will feel. The main thing is not to open your shoulders, trying to show your imaginary resistance.

Running and push-ups

Running has a beneficial effect on the body's blood circulation and trains the heart, preventing cardiovascular diseases. The more you run, the fresher and healthier you feel.

With push-ups everything is the same, favorable muscle tension during the run and you will be like the main guy in the village.

It's too early to run marathons, but on the other hand, why not run 42 kilometers? That's what I'm planning for the future.


Testosterone's main enemy is the stress hormone cortisol; it is always produced in times of stress, anger, anxiety and any negative emotions. To reduce cortisol, first of all, you need to calm down, and the best thing is to learn the technique of working on the psyche and gradually removing all the negative emotions that began to appear in childhood, carrying all the negativity into adulthood and preventing you from achieving your goals.

Start eating right little by little, eliminating all junk food, I'm not saying to give up completely, I sin myself, but for example, do this, from Monday to Saturday you eat right, and on Sunday you eat everything your soul allows . There are even such diets.

It is better to completely eliminate bad habits like smoking as they are definitely just a waste of money and cause harm to the body which will lead to a lot of problems in the future.

I wrote about alcohol above, but again, no one bothers you to drink sometimes, high-quality alcohol, although I myself sin, I like to drink and relax my brain, but I can control myself and refuse when I don't feel like it. But if you drink constantly and can't stop drinking, I have another article on how to stop drinking.

Here is an article on how to increase libido in men. Here I have shared my thoughts on a problem that often affects men of all ages.

Psychologists Wouldn't Want You to Know These Secrets About You

Imagine this situation: what if, instead of paying for consultations with a psychologist for years, you could work on yourself in 21 days? Get rid of negative thoughts and states forever. And instead live a calm and happy life? Stop living stressed out because of relationships or a constant lack of money? Tell me this is impossible? I thought so too, until I started working on myself